For full information about ordination exam registration requirements and process, please visit the Preparation for Ministry website.
The Bible Content Examination (BCE) is a proctored test administered twice yearly at designated seminary and presbytery testing sites. A list of these testing sites is available by clicking here. With approval of the supervising presbytery at the time of registration, a “special proctor” may administer the BCE at a location other than a standard testing site.
The Senior Ordination Examinations (Exegesis, Polity, Theology, and Worship & Sacraments) are administered three times each year. Because these exams are not proctored, they may be taken anywhere that the candidate has Internet access. All registrations for any senior exam require the approval of the candidate’s presbytery.
You may Login to manage your profile if you have an account. Individuals who are not under care as inquirers or candidates but are required to take ordination examinations for other reasons may Signup for a new account.